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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Angel Pops

(2 Timothy 4:7) "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the raced, I have kept the faith."

The most amazing thing happened yesterday, Friday February 19th (depending on when you read this, it might not be yesterday). I was at bible study (we are studying Esther by Beth Moore, It's tough being a woman- now that is a big Amen in itself!!) and I asked for prayer. See, my father-in-law has been very sick for sometime. What I asked for was a peaceful death. Sounds weird that I didn't ask for healing, huh? Most people do, but I have learned on my own journey the past few years, we are here for but a brief time, a season (Ecc 3:2). So when our time comes, why not receive death as really life, eternal life?

Anyway, we prayed. It was a sweet prayer.

As I left Bible study, I received a phone call. The phone call we had been waiting on for weeks. My father-in-law has passed very peacefully. "You wouldn't believe it, It was so peaceful, it was beautiful", my mother-in-law said through tears. Oh yes, I would believe it. I would. God is just like that.

John Johnson is Home.

He told my husband the other day that he would see him soon, "On the other side".. he would be waiting.

Angel Pops is in the arms of our Jesus,,, I hope he meets up with my dad and tells him how good I've been... ok... so they don't lie in Heaven..

4 little hearts from you...:

Denise said...

Sorry for your family's loss, but it is heavens gain.

Unknown said...

Its hard saying good bye but the reunion will be so great one day!!!

Tracy said...

Hard to lose those we love, but oh the joy in knowing our parting is only temporary! So grateful God answered your prayer for a peace for your father-in-law as he passed from this life to his eternal one. Love & hugs...

Julie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, but so thankful for a peaceful ending of his life here on earth.

Next week will be the year anniversary of my dad's peaceful entrance into heaven....
