The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! "(John 1:29)
Mary had a little lamb,
who grew up to be a shephard...
His name is...Jesus
And because of Him, we now are
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! "(John 1:29)
Mary had a little lamb,
who grew up to be a shephard...
His name is...Jesus
And because of Him, we now are
Scribed by
Connie Barris
5:00 PM
Labels: faith, My Journey, supernatural, The Truth
my mom is sick...
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8 little hearts from you...:
Tis the season! As we approach the Christmas season I begin to become so aware of the greatest gift that God gave......... It never seems to amaze me to hear of HIS story..... I will have a very special story to tell just a few days from Christmas.....
Amen, bless you sweet one. I love you.
Praise God, He was willing to GIVE THE BEST HE HAS, to redeem us!!! MARVELOUS GRACE INDEED!!
Very sweet and gentle, Thanks, Blessings to you:)
That picture is awesome. it looks like pencil but so beautiful!!!
Behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.....I am so happy that He was willing to walk in my shoes and take my sentence.
What a tender heart He has!
Love the picture.
Wonderful gift, Wonderful love!
Hi Dear heart. I have been here a while and have a big hug for you. Not a lot of wordy words , but A big hug and a fond loving kindness that overcomes me toward you.
Hearts from You!