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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

His Child Went Home

This has been a hard week. I'm not sure I can even process my own emotions - yet. I know many of you know or have been there. But not me.

Baby J. was twelve months old. He had been fighting for life since he was born.

I knew the day would come as a Hospice nurse where I would have to care for a child. And that day came.

He looked so perfect and so beautiful. Baby J. His skin was so soft, but pale. And he fought for every breath he took.

I asked God "Why?"

The parents asked, "Why?"

The nurse caring for the baby in the Intensive Care Unit admitted she was not comfortable with caring for a dying baby. She was use to saving babies, not walking them home to Jesus.

Yesterday, I took pictures of the parents and Baby J. Something mom and dad can cherish. Then, we prayed. We shared their son's life.

I walked out of the room and talked to the nurse to make sure she was ok. We tried to look at death from a God-given gift.

Today, Baby J, went home to Jesus.

Today, I cried.

10 little hearts from you...:

Mari said...

It's often hard to lose a patient. I can't imagine how hard it is when it's a child. It sounds like baby N touched a lot of lives in 10 months.

Sharon Brumfield said...

Girl I can not even imagine. The crush the parents feel loosing a child. How at a loss you must have felt not understanding why.
I am glad you were able to cry....He is holding each and every one of those tears in a special bottle. He will never forget them. He sees your heart.
Hugs girl

Denise said...

My precious friend, how hard I know this was for you. I praise God for staying close to you. Let those tears refresh and renew you. Thanks for all you do to help others, I love you.

JUST A MOM said...


Technonana said...

Crying with you and praying for better days!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

How awful to lose an infant and after fighting for so long!! At least the baby is with the Lord now..and at peace.

Unknown said...

My heart is crying with you and those parents of that little baby. what a sad day for you all. Jesus in the only answer and cling to that..

A Stone Gatherer said...

Me too Connie! Thank you so much for your wonderful touch in the lives of these parents who are suffering, and the Nurse! Your heart reaches out to all! You are a blessing!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

My heart is aching...these things I do not understand...but trust the one who does

Tea with Tiffany said...

Grieving alongside you.

May God continue to heal your and the family's broken hearts.