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Friday, October 24, 2008

A Choir Of Angels

"...He will never leave you nor forsake you."(Deut 31:6)

The past few days have been hard. I have lost a long time patient that grew close to my heart.

You see, several years ago she lost the ability to speak. So she talked to me with her eyes. And they spoke volumes, they spoke love. And oh, that beautiful smile of hers.

Last week she took my hand, squeezed it and uttered, “I love you.” I knew then she would not be with us much longer. That was her “Good-bye.”

My last words were I will take care of you. And I kept my promise. I kept her vigil. She died peacefully.

I prayed… or was it Him…Jesus?

I have another patient that I have drawn so close to. She took a turn for the worse last night. (When it rains, it pours.) I made her a promise, “I will take care of you.” ( a little pattern here.)

This morning her eyes said it all, “I’m ready to go.” But I don’t want her to, in my own selfishness. She kept smiling and comforted me and her daughter. Something definitely wrong with this picture. I’m the Hospice Nurse, right?

I will keep my promise. I will now go on call 24/7 for her. I will….. oh… Jesus will… right, I am only a vessel of His Almighty…

Last night, one of our patients passed. The daughter was asleep. She awoke to the most beautiful sounding choir of music she had ever heard. She really could not articulate the sound of music she was hearing. It was unique, it was exquisite.

She went through the house looking for the radio playing the music. Nothing was on, not even the TV. She came to her mom’s room. There she stood and what she saw took her breath for she saw that her mom had gone home with Jesus.

The Choir of Angels had come to get her. And she had been a witness to her Saviors loving return.

"Yes, I will take care of you", sayeth the Lord. (Deut 31:6)

12 little hearts from you...:

Holly said...

Did my last comment come through?

If not, I will try and re-write it. I just said I am so glad that God sent that blessing to that daughter. I added that I am praying for you! And also I wrote a story earlier this week about a dream I had of dying. It was truly life-changing.

Love you!

Technonana said...

The chills are still running down my back!!! What a precious peace this sweet one was given... and thank you for the PEACE you give to them!!

Sharon Brumfield said...

You get a peek that most of us will not get until we see Him face to face. I guess with that comes a heavenly burden you get to share with Him. Now while it is pouring don't forget to place it back in His hands so that your heart does not grow weary in your well doing. He loves you girl.......thanks for being His hands.
How awesome it will be when our ears are forever opened to the heavenly chorus!

Denise said...

Praise God for His love, peace, and precious comfort. I love you.

Mari said...

It is so hard losing our patients, but how wonderful to hear stories like yours of the heavenly angels. What a beautiful testimony.

Unknown said...

What wonderful moments you have shared with these special angels. God is good!!!

Julie said...

Oh, Connie.... these posts take my breath away.
They are so beautiful.... so stunning. I love reading them. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Praying for your hurting heart!!!

You are one precious woman...I see His heart all over you...

Love & Hugs,

A Stone Gatherer said...

What a wonderful reminder of His presence always! Lifting you up Connie! Climb into your Daddy's lap and rest awhile!

Denise said...

You always make my heart beat just a little faster when I read your stories! I love the way HE always lets us know that HE has been there...... HE always leaves behind a song or a sweet smell..........

I have been gone too long , and I have missed my buddies!

Tracy said...

Hi Connie,
I'm sorry I haven't been by in quite some time. I've been trying to catch up.

Just read your last few posts. It staggers my imagination how you are able to continue to endure the growing and parting process with so many patients...especially those with whom you've built especially close bonds. God has made you quite a remarkable soul. How these precious ones must see His love shining through your life. Thank you for sharing these tender stories with us.

Praying God's strength and comfort...

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Oh to be there in the room..or to hear that choir..what a joy that had to be!! You are in the right profession and just where God wants you to be, Connie...

Mocha with Linda said...

This is beautiful.

I need to get your blog in my Reader. I've missed reading much of yours lately. September was a blur with my mom's passing.

I'm so glad God is using you to minister so.