To our Son... Hogan born August 28th... A Red Headed little dude...
He is special beyond words...
he came to know Jesus when he was 4.. I know many of you think.. that is too young.. and at one point in my life so did I...
But let me tell you this little story...
I was in the bedroom while Hogan was playing in the bathtub, bubbles and all. I could see him where I was (for all you that think I might have left him unattended).
And then I heard this scream, "Momma, come here... " over and over again. Now I am just right there so I walk into the bathroom with this little redheaded boy, bubbles dripping off his body. He is holding his heart. I cannot imagine what is going on or through his mind or if he is sick.
"Mom, I have Jesus in my heart." I stood stunned. First, where was this coming from. Now yes we went to church and were very involved. But-- but.....He was adamant that this was a huge event and it had just happened.
So I sat down next to him... "tell me about it son." And as serious as this little four-year-old boy could be, and let me tell you it was beyond precious, he began telling me how Jesus had come into his heart.
That night, my husband and I sat down with him and made a big deal about Jesus' life that was now in Hogan's life as we talked to him. But--- we do not move forward with Baptism or anything as such. We thought, maybe he's too young.
Fast forward to one year later.... We were invited to the Bibleman play with Willie Ames. My now five-year-old was NOT taking his eyes of this show. He was mesmerized throughout the play. (If you are not familiar, this is a show of good against evil. God against Satan.)
Long story short, there was an altar call at the end...I started wrapping up with my sister so I leaned back to talk to her and as I turned back around to get Hogan...
He was gone.
I started to panic. His best friend was with us. I started to yell, "Where is Hogan?" No one knew. So I yell to my sister, we have to find Hogan. I just knew he had been kidnapped and I thought of all places, a Christian play. Who would do such a thing?
I started frantically looking. I see some children up at the front at the altar call and I thought, I will just go look. And who do I see but my little boy on his knees praying. Five-years-old, giving his heart to God. No one had prompted him. Well, I say noone but we know that isn't true. His calling just came very early in life.
I touched his shoulder and he looked up at me and said like I had ignored his plea, "Mom, I told you this last year, I have Jesus in my heart."
I then understood the power of his conviction and his love for Jesus. I told him then through massive tears, that I would go see Mr. David (our youth pastor) and we would make it official.
Shortly after this, his earthly daddy baptized him and myself (another devotional) on Mother's Day.
Our son has not wavered. For on his my space in bold it says, "I LOVE GOD."
Every night before bed, "Mom, let's say our prayers."
I couldn't be prouder but I think it's Jesus that is the One that is most proud.
God bless the blessing given to us 13 years ago...
Happy Birthday son.... welcome to being a teenager...

8 little hearts from you...:
What a great story! Happy Birthday (though a little late) to your guy.
I LOVE that story! God can move in the youngest hearts! That is what keeps me going in my ministry! Happy Birthday to your wonderful boy!
Is this a re-run from his last birthday??? I swear I've heard this story before... It's a CUTE one though!!! He's really such a good kid... HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOGAN!!!
Such a precious story. Happy Birthday dear Hogan.
How absolutely beautiful!! What a precious young man and how blessed you are!!
Happy Birthday, Hogan!!!
Beautiful!!!!!!!! and Happy Birthday Hogan!
Have a blessed week girl......
He sounds like a great joy.
Hearts from You!