The phone rang. I looked over at the clock, it was 1:30 a.m. I cleared my head realizing with sadness, it could be only one thing. I was on call for a special little couple. This couple had been together for many years. And she never left his side in all the sixty-five years of their marriage.
Until tonight that is. This was the beginning of a new journey for her.
I answered the phone. “He’s gone.” It was a nursing peer on the other end. I knew I needed to go quick. I wasn’t sure how my patients wife would cope.
Within what seemed like hours, I walked through the door of his hospital room, cold and sad; and there sat my little wife in the chair next to him with the saddest face I could remember seeing in a long time. When she looked up and saw me, the tears began to flow and her body heaved with uncontrollable sobs. I couldn't understand what she was saying but her body said it all.
I held her in my arms for a long time.
Her brokenness had stolen my heart. I think God is so much like that. When He sees us in our broken state, He picks us up and wraps His arms around us and holds us tight. (Psalm 147:3)
The love of a couple like these two is a pretty rare gem. They never had children so their lives were each other. It was so beautiful. The world on this evening came to a standstill for a period of time.
We all honored my little man's entry into the Heavens. For it truly was a blessing.
His wife finally spoke, “I told him he couldn’t go. He will be alone.”
I asked her if she believed in the Bible (I knew she was a Christian). And she said, “Yes."
Do you think he is alone based on what the Bible says?”
And then...with a small quivering voice ..."I only let his hand go for a short time," whispered his dulcet wife.
“Who do you think took his hand and walked him Home?” I asked her or maybe it was God--- who really knows?
And then the tears flowed.

8 little hearts from you...:
WOW, beautiful, just stunning....sweet Spirit of God resting on you. Powerful, so very powerful.
I LOVE to hear these sweet stories, even though they grieve my heart. But the picture of love...astounding.
Thank you friend.
On another note....
Hey would you pray for my daughter Courtney? She leaves on Monday for 3 weeks missions trip to India. She's flying alone and meeting missionary friends of ours. It's her first flight...
Pray for her and ME.
Love ya,
Bless you for sharing this my dear friend. Such a beautiful love story. Reminds me of my marriage, we have no children, only each other. I cherish, and treasure him completely.
My that made me really sad..Now I have tears just flowing!! I can understand this so well. You do so many kind things for people what a great place God has put you...Sandy
Your job is so powerful, Connie!!
What a tremendous witness! You've been given a gift, Connie. I think you know that, but in case you don't, you need to know that God has placed you in an important place for his important reason. Being able to walk with others into their "next" is an extraordinarily, strange and beautiful gifting. I know if must leave you completely exhausted and spent, but I can tell that God has you right where he needs you.
Thank you for allowing yourself participation on the frontlines of the Gospel. Can you even imagine the waiting line to embrace you on the other end?
Powerful. Powerful.
Oh goodness... it's going to be so hard for her though, without him. I am praying for her.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
I found you by accident but not really, God led me here. This is an awesome story and I can so relate to it. I work in a Long term care facility and we just lost 3 hospice patients, their families relied on the hospice nurse so much and she was a blessing to them as well as us as staff who cared for these precious old people. This is a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing
Hearts from You!