This year has been a rather rough year. I feel like I'm treading water just to stay afloat.
Each time I try to come back and write, something happens...
This week, my husband had emergency surgery... so being a good little nurse and loving wife, of course, I have taken time off to be with him.
I can hear my dad say (even from the heavenly realms), "Connie, stop and smell...."
And I can hear my Papa say, "Connie, stop,,, Be still and know..." (Psalm 46:10)
My Abba is trying to tell me something, although I don't know yet what it is, I am all ears. So, as I inhale the aroma of His Words I am slowing and painstakingly, yes... listening.
And to you all -- my friends, who hang in there with me, encourage me, pray with me... I love you and I thank you. And I pray that I will be back on my feet soon, returning the favor.
Until then, I pray the aroma of His presence comes your way through the fruits of my life... but not necessarily through your own painful labor....
Be blessed as always.... AND

28 little hearts from you...:
Good to hear from you! I came by to smell a rose and found one with your words.
Be blessed and peace.
Hope you have a great Mother's Day girl! Glad you are back. Have a great weekend. God Bless~
Connie, I have wondered where you have been!! Take time and stop and all will work out. We sometimes never think it is going too when we are in the middle of IT!! But you will be fine!! just know we are all thinking about you.
I had wondered where you were! I'm praying for you. Seems like it has been just one thing after another for awhile, but how sweet that your Daddy and your Papa are sending words into your heart to get you through!
Blessings, friend!
Connie, you have had a rough year... and you are in my prayers. I'll be praying for hubby too. But this I know... if God has a message for you, you WILL get it! You've got amazing listening ears! And He is with you! :)
I love you sweetie, thanks for being one of my lifes beautiful roses.
I know what you mean about a dooesy of a year.
I am glad God is speaking to you....keep listening. All of these things will begin to work together.
And then you will know what He has been preparing and speaking.
Just be still...He will speak again when it is time.
Be encouraged. Here's a West Coast hug.
Welcome Back!
Good to hear from you my friend!! Have a Blessed Mothers Day and know I am in prayer for you:) Take all the time you need.
Glad to see you Connie. I come here everyday looking for you. You are loved....
II Cor 2:14 you are the fragrance of Jesus to me and many, Connie! Happy Mother's Day! We have been in a valley with you with many shadows facing us all. But HE is there too. May His Comfort and Favor be all over you tomorrow in ways you cannot even imagine! Sure do love you! Bev
You've been missed. Thanks for sharing this post. I'll be praying for you (and your husband). Take a moment to listen.
You are such a blessing to many and many are praying for you...... I pray that your sweet DH is recovering......... I know what it is like to walk through the valley ,,,,,,, but I think that He speaks louder than when we are on the mountain top...... I know you are hearing His voice and I know that He is speaking...... blessings to you sweetie,,,,,,,,,,,
I have missed spending time with you! Take good care of your husband and yourself! Looking forward to hearing from you again!
My heart is with you!
Connie, you are a sweet smelling savor of the Father's love. So sorry to hear about your husband, I pray that all is well with him.
I have something special to tell you, it's God moment-- please email me at
In Christ!!
Came across your blog from another blog...
Prayers for you as you care for your husband and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Yes sweet sister in Christ... listen to His voice.
I pray all is well with you,,, You are such a strong woman Connie, yet I can imagine you are saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH,, prayers,,,,
Dear Connie:
I am sorry you are going through a rough patch and will be praying for you.
I'm new to your blog, and I'm so HAPPY I've found it.
There is something that God has been teaching my heart lately and it's this,
when I cannot seem to trust his hand....I must choose to trust his heart......
God has a perfect plan....even though at times, the road seems hard and rocky.
God will not lead you, where is grace will not keep you.
On my knee's for you.
I'd never read the story about your 3 year old daughter and her little red hearts until today. What a precious gift of love and grace during a hard season of living. My sons were 5 and 3 when I went through my divorce. They were precious to me. I wish I had been a better mother during that season.
His love covereth indeed!
Be still and know that I am God (Ps. 46:10) is a verse I have seen over and over this week. I've needed to be reminded of that.
This morning on my way to work the song on the radio had that phrase in it.
Keeping you and your husband in my prayers.
"Be still and know...."
Those wonderful words that bring clarity and focus if we only still and listen.
Thanks for stopping by my humble blog.
Thanks Connie.
We'll be praying for your internal emotional strength. Glad you were blessed by Arlene's story.
Hey friend,
It was good to see you on my post at Internet Cafe.
I would LOVE to get together. How far are you from Dalton? How far from Jasper? We'll just have to meet.
I'll email you.
Love & Hugs,
PS. Thanks for reading my devo. and your sweet words of affirmation. Sometimes I don't know if I hit the mark Papa put on my heart or not.
Connie... I miss you too babe. But ya know what? I sO understand you not being around right now. And I understand that sometimes through healing new interests are found. I HOPE you are able to come back too. But if you find that you're not, know that my prayers will STILL be with you. And a little piece of my heart! Right now... you just take care of you! We'll see what the future brings.
I am soooooooooo glad you are back...Have I told you that I am sooooooooooo glad you are back... and did you read the post on my friend Jean? it is the one right under the ugly hands!!!!! Her cancer is gone ..... God is good and greatly to be praised!!!!!!!!!
Have I told you I am glad you are back!!!!!!!!! love the comment on my ugly hands...... made me laugh...... I needed to laugh!
Hugs to you sweet and so glad you are back!!! OH..... I think I already said that........
And to you, my friend...may the God of all hope guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. May He carry out His good purpose in your life at every stop and give you more of Him.
Love you!
Hearts from You!