Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign..."
When I met my sweet couple, he smiled at me through the pain of his suffering. His eyes told me of his unfolding story. One that would for the first time in his life not include his bride, for he was preparing for his homecoming.
And I looked at her; her smile was radiant and breathtaking. She had stolen my heart. If you saw her on the street, you would see a small frail woman that had poor dental care, missing teeth and sad eyes but that is not what I saw on this day. I was captivated by her beauty.
I sat with my friends on this annointed day to help get him comfortable in his dying hours. As I spoke with them both, she said, “God knew to take him first because I was the stronger of the two. He would not be able to live without me.” That is true love. And tears flowed from my eyes. Both of them comforted me, “Oh Connie, we love you.” I was overwhelmed with emotion. (I think I was suppose to be comforting them.)
In the last hours of his life, we experienced a taste of Heaven. My little man talked to the other side for two hours. He went from being coherent to no longer knowing we were around. Then he started talking and reaching for things. He said, “Oh yes, it’s beautiful. Oh precious Jesus. No not yet. Go get “R”. “R” was his little brother that had been killed when they were younger.
All during this supernatural rhythm and experience of Heaven, my precious couple danced in step with God’s spirit where she escorted her lover into the arms of his Savior.
For it was then that he took his very last breath here and his first in Heaven.
Live the supernatural.

20 little hearts from you...:
Oh wow! I got a "chill" reading this. But the gOOd kind. I pray she WILL be strong... and that He will comfort...
I've missed you so much!! I honestly believe you have a gift of writing that is beyond just "blog writing!"
Thank you so much for you gave me a good reminder today to love everyone with everything I have and that one day seeing Him face to face is going to be AMAZING!!!
I hope you don't mind, but I reprinted your post on my blog -- giving you a shout out and all the credit.
I have some very specific people who read my blog who I wanted to see your writing today!
Love and blessings,
Whew! My eyes are super-misty. What an amazing post. What a privilege that you had to be there with them both, and to overhear a conversation between a man entering the presence of our Lord. WOW!
This brought me to tears, thanks so much for sharing this beautiful experience my friend.
Oh my, you write so beautifully. Thank you for sharing these stories with us. I think you need to write a book. I really do!
I have salty tears in my eyes !! I am with dori I think you really have a gift of writing that is annointed..
You should write a book! what dear sweet folks they are..... Love and hugs, Grams
Connie this was so moving that I went back to my blog and wrote a new post for Sunday and linked about this post to mine... Grams
I think the best blessing from God always come with a little pain.He is allowing you to see such beautiful things. So many people would have back away from the pain and the sorrow and missed the blessing.i pray that your energy will be renewed and your soul refilled.
The other side is so real.
How precious are the things that our Father is allowing you to see and here.
Thank you for sharing these things with us.
Gripped my heart as I read it... came to visit by Dori.
Bless you in your ministry. Standing so close to the door of eternity changes your perspective.
Thank you for preserving the beauty of this mans passing from death to life.
Oh Praise HIM!
It is a wonderful thing to see the doors of heaven and be so aware of the thin line between there and here.
Wow...I just read it aloud (when I could and wasn't choked up) to Chris. We both said Wow together.
I long for the other side, don't you?
Thank you for sharing your story! Email me soon, I have a story I cannot write on my blog, yet. It is a neat story...oh if we could jusy get a glimpse of what this gentleman saw! Since we cannot, we CAN know...and that is enough.
Love and prayers for you, Friend!
I'm here from Talk to Grams blog 'cause she had a link to your blog.
Wow, what a tear jerking and loving post, all at the same time!!!
It's a Sunday blessing in disguise for me to read this today!!
Thanks for the inspiration.
As I read this, my thoughts went back to when my daddy died. We were all with him that day, in our hearts knowing that this would be his last day on earth, but his first day in Heaven with Sweet Jesus. Daddy taught us of Him...and would preach about that day when he would get to meet Jesus. As the song goes, we can only imagine what it will be like.
Thank you for sharing such an absolutely wonderful "Love Story".
Hi Connie, You deserve a special treat for being a great nurse and being so sweet to your patients..The idea originated from Hootin' Anni's.
Come see.. baba
I wandered over here from Donetta's. I have never really thought about the blessings (the struggles, yes) about working in Hospice. God has certainly blessed you. Thank you so much for sharing your stories.
Oh beautiful to be a part of that...
Im praying for that lady
May God hold her close
Im tagging you my dear friend
Visit my blog, I have an award for you dear.
What a wonderful gift they shared with you. Thank you for sharing with us. Your writings are a true inspiration to me.
This story reminds me of the song by Mark Schultz called "Walking Her Home". I cry every time I hear it, and this gave me the same kind of feeling about love, hope and heaven. Thank you for sharing these heavenly moments with us.
Hearts from You!