Isn’t that our nature?
Join me over at Comfort Cafe today.... and I'll share this story.....
Is there a great storm brewing in your own life?

Scribed by
Connie Barris
4:42 AM
my mom is sick...
(send me an email if you want to be added to the prayer list or you may click into prayer room directly and ask for prayer:
5 little hearts from you...:
Bless you my dear friend, love you.
I can only hide in God's arms!! Love you, Grams
We were in Hatteras North Carolina a few years ago when a category 2 hurricane went over. Within about 2 hours the 65 mile an hour winds were gone and beautiful skies were unveiled.
We went to the beach to find treasures. We found no whole shells. It was as if they had all been broken and crushed. The treasure for us was not in the smooth shell pieces left behind but in the gold that lined the clouds in the sky.
Many times in the aftermath of the storms in my life, my eyes can get stuck looking down and around for something good. God is teaching me to look up for the real treasure.
Thanks for the reminder of that beautiful trip.
Thank you for your reminder of the treasures after the storm.
Thank you girl.
Those many great storms in my life have truly turned my eyes to God. You put it into words so eloquently.
I can't comment any more eloquently than Sharon already did. Your post, as always, is such a reflection of Jesus. Blessings on your day. xxxooogretchen
Hearts from You!