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Thursday, August 30, 2007

We Have Touched His Garment

Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well (Matthew 9:22)

Loneliness; it’s a sad thing.

God did not intend for us to be alone. “It is not good for the man to be alone.” (Gen. 2:18)

Thus, woman was created in the perfect garden. And they had the perfect relationship-together. That was until the deceptive fall.

Because of Man’s (Adam and Eve’s) fall, there was separation between our Abba and us—sin. Causing there to be times when Eve would go off to be by herself while Adam was working and she became lonely. For the first time, she now experienced the pain of seclusion, experiencing the most horrific loneliness of separation and isolation from God. I can imagine that she cried in total despair. Not having any girlfriends that she could talk to, no Zoloft, no doctors and no chocolate, she had to really be bad off.

The beginning of SIN; (Gen 3)
S-Separation of God,
I- Independence of God,
N- Need of a Savior.

We know that loneliness, don’t we? For it is indeed a plague of modern society. Songs are written about it with each generation. Every genre writes about it. Poetry and literature alike fills our libraries about loneliness. And unfortunately, our medical offices are overwhelmed with patients that have undiagnosed diseases that link back to loneliness.

My son doesn’t like to be alone at night. He wants someone with him. I think that we are probably no different as adults, especially in times of need. We wish we could see our Abba and even touch Him. But all we have is our faith. And Jesus knew this when He said, “Blessed is He who believes and has not seen.” (John 20:29)

Just as with the woman with the bleeding issue, she wanted to touch Jesus. She had the opportunity to see and to touch Him. And Jesus told her that her faith had healed her.

What about us? Will our faith heal us? In our times of despair or times of loneliness when God is not there for us to touch, will we trust Him in that faith?

How do we live out of the love of our Father? Our life, our relationships were always meant to be with God and then the love of that overflows into our relationships with others....

for as Jesus said:

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20)

For we, too, have touched the garment of our Savior at the moment of salvation.

In Him,

7 little hearts from you...:

Sharon Brumfield said...

Boy has He been doing a little faith testing lately.
Sometimes you wonder if anyone has been here or if you are going through this alone.
He is so faithful and tender and loving. And even when there are times I can not feel Him---I know He is there. I know I am not alone.
And then His presence overwhelms me.
Thanks--sorry for my scattered thoughts.

Denise said...

You always touch my soul, thank you dear one.

Gretchen said...

I love this post. I AM in need of touching his garment; every.single.day. xxxooogretchen

Anonymous said...

Loneliness it sure is!!!
I was on my own for 7 years while raising my 2 older children

The beginning of SIN; (Gen 3)
S-Separation of God,
I- Independence of God,
N- Need of a Savior.
Hey I like this - never seen it written like that before

My son is just like yours

We have to remember when we are alone that we arent really ever alone

Nise' said...

Love the Casting Crown song!! Wonderful post today! So many can relate to loneliness, thanks be to God that we are not alone.

Baba said...

Hi Connie, How true your words are today....Thanks for sharing with us.Thank goodness we will never be alone , when we can go visit our blogging sisters and share our thoughts. Baba

eph2810 said...

I have to agree--I don't like to be alone either at night...Thankfully I have my hubby by my side...but I do know that if I did not have him by my side, He will is there.
Last night as I was laying in bed, the arms of my beloved wrapped around me, I could only lay there and thank our Lord for His kindness and love. Even though I do not see Him, He touches my heart every now and than in utter amazement.
Thank you for sharing, Connie.

Be blessed today and always.