What Connie Means |
C is for Clever O is for Odd N is for Neat N is for Nervy I is for Impressive E is for Energetic |

What Connie Means |
C is for Clever O is for Odd N is for Neat N is for Nervy I is for Impressive E is for Energetic |
Scribed by
Connie Barris
8:53 AM
my mom is sick...
(send me an email if you want to be added to the prayer list or you may click into prayer room directly and ask for prayer: fishnparrots@comcast.net)
4 little hearts from you...:
O how cute loved it... even though I must say the end to what your name is never ending good stuff, blessings
How cute, love you sweet one.
How cute, Connie...Here is my result:
I is for Impassioned
R is for Rich
I is for Ideal
S is for Sweet
Hm? What could I add to that one *grin*
D = desperately seeking God
E = Encourager of Gods people
B = bossy (so I am told)
O = original
R = Radical
A = Adorable
H = Honest
all wrapped up in 5'4.
love always me
Hearts from You!