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Saturday, July 21, 2007

So Where Do The Pets Go

Did I mention how much I love my job as a Hospice Nurse? Some of you have asked how its going....

Well, I LOVE IT....

Anyhoo, a nagging question came to me this week as we visited numerous patients....

See, a majority of these patients have "beloved" pets. And these pets LOVE their owners.... our patients....

When we would check on the patient, many times, the covers would start moving and out would poke the most precious little eyes of a dog or cat.

If they (the pets) could talk, I could just seem them saying, "I'm checking on my momma or daddy."

So what happens, when our patients die?

And they will, that is why we are called in. Many times the patient is more worried about their pet than anything else.

Part of the Hospice Care is to find placement for the beloved's pet. Did you know that? I didn't until I started working here....

Most of the time, a friend or family takes the pet, but sometimes Hospice has to find a home outside of the family. And they do. Not only that.... sometimes, to help the grieving process, a pet may be brought in.....(before you think, this is cruel... these pets were without homes before this.. and are going to be placed in a good home and loved)

Patients will "hang on" until they know their little beloved is taken care of....

God's little gifts....are sometimes the biggest gifts of all.........

Have a supernatural weekend

11 little hearts from you...:

Laura said...

They are such a precious part of creation. All of our Lord's creation calls us to himself in some ways, and those doggies and kitties do it too. :)

Denise said...

Amen, some of Gods littlest gifts are the biggest gifts. When my momma passed away last year, my cat griefed over losing her grandma. They were buddies. I am so glad you love your job my dear friend.

Talk..to..Grams said...

I found your blog over at Denise's blog and I can see I am going to really love to come back and visit often!!
Your little red hearts from God story made me get tears in my eyes!!
My special needs daughter who is 45 and has lupus, lost her kitty cat who was 15 years old a couple of weeks ago. Nancy was really upset, but she is getting better as the days go by.
Another kitty came to the studio my other daughters have. I said they could bring her home. Now we are so glad we did because she made up with Nancy!! and Nancy loves her!!

JUST A MOM said...

OH MAN how sweet,, I at one tiem thought this would be a great thing to do..... what you do. Is it really hard adn HOW do you get involved with it?

Anonymous said...

bless you and the Hospice Care team
I do a marvelous job

Gretchen said...

Our animals are God's gifts to us; I'm so glad that He provides you and other hospice workers to see that these little angels in fur have a good disposition when their precious owners die. I'm thrilled you like your job, Connie. If I were on the edge of passing over, I know I'd love it if you were my hospice nurse/counselor. Blessings.

Susan said...

I love this, Connie! I know that pets can be so therapeutic. We once had a couple with no children in one of our churches. They had it written up that when the last one of them passed on, that the pet was to be put to sleep and buried with that person. I know that seems a bit cruel....but the pet was old like these two people. They had her forever and they simply couldn't bear not "being" with her.

Have a great Sunday!!

:-) Susan

SandyCarlson said...

That's powerful. I didn't know the role of pets in this process. I am going to share this post with a friend who cares for animals.

I very much admire Hospice and what you do.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today.

sharon brobst said...

Connie you have a beautiful sight and it show's evidence of your compassion and love. Thank you for stopping by my blog and feel free to use it however God leads you... I'm sure I'll be back. :-)

sammie said...

Hospice, wow my closes friend is a hospice nurse and a very good writer. She would quit writing before she'd quit hospice. I'm in nursing school right now, I think I might try hospice.

forgiven4this said...

Your girlfriends back....me : ) and holy cow have a lot to catch up on lol slow down woman hehe.