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Friday, July 20, 2007

Humpty Dumpty

“And The king and his men…., said to David, "even the blind and the lame can ward you off." They thought, "David cannot get in here." Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion…” (2 Samuel 5:6-7)

“And all the kings’ horse and all the kings’ men could NOT put Humpty Dumpty together again…”

Don’t we feel that way some days…. ??

That our life is beyond God’s grasp, beyond His help, beyond our control and surely beyond His control? Some days I just feel like ol’ Humpty Dumpty after he has fallen off the wall.

But just look at what God said about David, He said, “Nevertheless”, meaning “in spite of this”! Great visual for others in our life that are watching us-- or better yet, as we see our self --"as a broken Christian." I sometimes wish I could carry a broken shell on my head. See, my broken life! Isn’t this the life we experience for our self as a Christian?

For Job, in his pitiful, self-centered state, when he finally learned to pray for his friends, in spite of his hardship, God restored his losses.

In spite of Peter’s betrayal, he became the rock of the church, Jesus’ biggest fan.

Joseph was imprisoned, in spite of that, he preached!

In spite of my life of abuse, I will be able to walk others through freedom of shame and guilt.

In spite of blindness, my sweet friend Ivey sees the word through God’s eyes.

In spite of your weakness, beware---this where God is going to use you in a mighty way.

In spite of this, -- we have a choice, we can respond to the Holy Spirit chokehold or the Devil’s chokehold… (2 Corinthians 10:4)

And God put all of His people back together again…… (John 3:16)

In spite of us…..

6 little hearts from you...:

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Yes, in spite of my past failures and sins, God still wants me and can use me. Praise God. I just read this passage about David recently.

Denise said...

Amen, in spite of all of us. I love you my friend.

A Friend said...

It's a good thing! I love the reminder and I needed that. Thank you for once again sharing your wisdom.

Gretchen said...

In spite of my worst days, the Lord works for the best. No matter what. What a comfort. Thanks for the reminder, Connie. xxxooogretchen

sammie said...

This is to cool, my friend that i mentioned in your last post that does hospice and is the writer wrote "Regaining Her Voice" Its a study for women who have been victims of sexual abuse, rape,etc...Its a 14 week course its powerful stuff.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Amen! Great post. Love to you.

Angel ():)