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Friday, July 6, 2007

Are You Living Life As A Hermit?

(Proverbs 4:23) "Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.")

It was not too long ago that I preferred life as a hermit crab. The world’s hurts and disappointments had taken its toll on me and I had retreated into my shell. There I felt I could be alone, in my quiet shell, away from others.

There in my shell, I could hear the waves of life roll over me. One wave, another wave and now I were protected in my little shell. I no longer worried about being hurt, because I was secluded from this world. Not only could I not feel the hurts handed out by life’s circumstances, but unfortunately I also was sheltered from my Abba. I no longer could feel His loving embrace. I was so wrapped up in my warm little shell of this so-called life.

I was allowed to spend some time in my shell. Time where I could heal. And then, the pain of remaining was much more painful than seeking new life. Just as with a hermit crab, they too must move on at some point. They must seek a new home, a new journey.
My Papa, through the hard shell of my undulating pain, called my name, Beloved… Come to Me…

Just as a small child, seeking his mom, I, too, ran into His arms, and there I found comfort…and yes, I left one protected place into another, to that of my Savior.

Our lives were to be lived with others. As God made us, He instilled a passionate desire for us to spend our lives in the perfect relationship. That perfect relationship of course being God first, then the overflow of His love from would be lived out into relationships with others.

For the very core of our being – is "the spring of life"

Have a supernatural weekend

13 little hearts from you...:

Patty said...

What a Word!! I was just saying in my quiet time this morning that I felt beaten down with a few things and this is a great word. Thank you so much!! I pray you have a supernatural weekend as well and I can't wait to read what God has done in your life this weekend. Go over to my blog, I posted a picture of the t-shirt Kim (connercolesmom) and I designed for the Siestas to wear at Deeper Still and LPM conferences. Let me know if you want one!

Love You,

P.S. I AM SO EXCITED that you are going to Nashville in Sept!! We get to meet each other! God is soooo good!!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I just finished a piece for Internet Cafe about true community and how we're not meant to travel this road alone. Great post.

Sharon Bardwell said...

I, for one, am glad you came out of your shell :-)

Do tell...is going on in Nashville in Sept!?!?!?!

Denise said...

Praise God that you came out of your shell, you are an overflowing blessing in my life. I love you.

Susan said...

Beautiful post! God is so good at taking us out of our shells and making something beautiful from our lives.


:-) Susan

Denise said...

Come by my blog sweety, I have tagged you for a meme.

Connie Barris said...

Well i am attending the www.aacc.net meeting.. american assoc of Christian counselors.... in Sept..it is in Nashville where Dori and Patty are... so, I thought we'd meet up...

come on and join us....

blogsville union...

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

holy cow huney...........( i meant to spell that wrong) that was a wonderful word that needs to be in print. wow, what an incredible gift you have!!

Thanks for sharing!!


Patty said...

I am tagging you but I see someone else beat me to it. I still tag you!! Come and see. :o)

Susanne said...

Wonderful post!! Your words are always so insightful, and spur me on in my faith!! Thanks for sharing!!

I tagged you for a meme. Come on over to my place and check it out!!

charlestonyaya said...

I am so glad that I used this as part of my "get going" time this morning. I copied it and sent it to my daughter, Kelly - a much needed word and thought for her today. thanks from both of us, Kathy

Cyndee@Riezzee's Place said...

Thanks as always for visiting me! I am so glad that you came out of your shell. I definitely would "hide" in my shell, but now I am safe and learning that my shell was there for a time to protect me - and now Jesus is my protector, so I don't need the shell anymore. Praise the Lord!

Gretchen said...

"Our lives were to be lived with others. As God made us, He instilled a passionate desire for us to spend our lives in the perfect relationship. That perfect relationship of course being God first, then the overflow of His love from would be lived out into relationships with others."

Connie, even though I'm an extrovert, this is hard--the relationships with others. I'm sometimes tired of everyone and their cr@p. This is when I need to dig deep in prayer and ask for the love and edification that only He can give. He's refining me. :)
