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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pediatric Hospice

This baby passed away before birth. Her name is Alexis Ann. Grief. Pain. Shock. Just to name a few, take over and the parents have no idea what to do. So a group of staff that have dealt with this before can atleast direct them into a direction of some type of normalcy until they can once again breath on their own.

This is where we come in.

It is interesting how God puts things into our path. He is the perfect orchestrator of all things.

I have always had the passion for many things (although, I didn't always know what they were). many times I beat myself up saying, I can't do it all.... But now--- God is seeing to it that I do many of them--nursing--counseling--embracing through love--mission work, the list just goes on. He(Papa, our God) is wrapping up so many of my desires into one.

You might ask, why, oh why would you desire such a thing. I just don't know. I can't answer this. But I have a heart to love on those in pain. A rescuer?! Maybe that is why 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 is so close to my heart. I may not have gone through this exact tragedy but I have experienced my share.

I found out today that our Hospice organization will be taking on a new role. We are going to start taking children (which we started recently) but also newborns.

I have always had a heart for their families and the babies & children just as the adults I care for in Hospice. Why? Only God can answer this. My families often confirm this. I love what I do.

So I will begin training soon. And for newborns, the families that receive the devastating news that their child will not live long outside of utero, we will come in and take care of the baby and their family either in the hospital or at home for their brief life.

Same as for children. Either at home or hospital as well.

Our area has been neglected for so long because no one wants to take this huge responsibility on. People (other medical organizations) are afraid. But there is a desperate need. These families need love. They need reassurance. They need guidance. AND again, they just need to know they aren't odd but that they will be ok( in a sense).... they will survive( the parents) no matter what... and that they are loved.

They need to know God has not deserted them.

As I read blogs. Books. etc. I see and feel what I "think" would help. They need someone to make the medical decisions so that they can just love on their baby. Someone to just help them look at this from a birds eye view. They sure don't need to feel like something is wrong with them. And they don't need to feel ostracized.

I have learned from one of the other nurses that has managed some of the pediatric patients is that when the children are dying, we will pretty much be out at the homes 24 /7. The parents are scared. Well, yes... I would be too.

Correct me if I am wrong... AND... if you are out there and you have been down this path, PLEASE, share with me your thoughts on what you think you would like to see happen. Or if you had help what was good and what wasn't.

I can only thing that as I care for adults, we expect adults to die although that doesn't make it easier... but we don't expect children and babies to die. This has to be so devastating. (And I would imagine I will cry...which we have discussed a debriefing for our staff)

There is an elect few that chose to do this out of our group. Not all the nurses are going to be able to do this. Having done some care with newborns / stillborns I only had a small taste. But I want to help families.

I recently read Karen Kingsbury's book where Ashley gave birth to her baby girl... I think it was Someday?? but it was this very subject. And I'm sure this isn't even close to reality.

Yes, I have rambled again... maybe I just need y'alls help and insight....

I have added some new info on my sidebar with some resources

thanks as always my dear friends....for listening...


9 little hearts from you...:

A Stone Gatherer said...

Right now my only thought is how precious you are to take this on! I am in awe of the gift God has given you! To remain strong through all of this is only a God thing!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Thank you for giving your heart to this tender ministry. You are the hands of Jesus to so many, and to be able to nurture the living, as well as the dying, is a rare gracing of God.

Be blessed, sweet pilgrim. How I pray for a heart like yours.


Julie said...

Hey friend,
I have not dealt with this on a first-hand level...but I lost my nephew at 24 hours old. My sister found out that he was anecphalic. Part of his brain was missing.
She was halfway through her pregnancy when she found out. Unless God did a miracle he would not survive outside the womb. God did a miracle...He healed him perfectly and took him back to be with Him.

I know this is a great need....to have someone who knows the devastation of death and the pain of it to be there to minister to the individuals as they are thrust into something that they were not meant to bear. Papa never meant death and disease. It's so devastating.

I think it is a precious gift that He has placed within you You give away Him each and every time.

What a treasure you are.


Denise said...

You are such a precious, and tender blessing that God has placed in this world. Bless you for taking on this new, much needed ministry my friend. I will be praying for you, I love you.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Somehow God just knows who he can trust with these special jobs in life and He has chosen you for this great task. God Bless you Connie.


Technonana said...

Connie.. it takes very special people to do what you do.. I have a brother-in-law who is a hemotologist and oncologist.. and I don't know how he does it!! But I do know this.. these parents and families need hands to hold them and shoulders to cry on... words, in these times really have no meaning.. just being there and empathizing is all anyone can do.
I know that you and others like you are such a blessing to those in need!!
You are in my prayers, Special One.

Mocha with Linda said...

I haven't been by to visit in a while, but I'm glad I came. It's awesome to read about this. What a ministry!

I guess you are familiar with Angie Smith's (her husband is the lead singer with Selah) blog about their daughter? It's audreycaroline.blogspot.com. Incredible testimony, and she would be a great resource for you from a mom's perspective.

Nise' said...

What an important ministry and I thank God for precious hearts like yours who are willing to be involved. I am so pleased to see the changes that have happened since our second child was stillborn 22 years ago.

Tracy said...

God has undoubtedly gifted you for this beautiful ministry. Your tender heart of love and compassion must be such a gift to these families going through unimaginable grief. Praying for you, precious one.
