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Friday, July 11, 2008

The Saint That Fell Into Grace

The Saint that fell into Grace….

“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.”
(Matthew 7:5)

Did you hear about…? Or so and so…. Or I hear that another Pastor lost his…

It’s becoming such a common theme we do not even cringe. We are becoming desensitized. Or is it we are thankful that it is someone other than ourselves?

Oh, not because we are innocent although we might some times forget what our own “fleshy desires” might be.

Recently, a dear friend of ours fell and fell hard. His own flesh took its toll. He took a path of a non-fruit bearing life and yes, with his Jesus by his side (See, Jesus never leaves us). Our friend lived in the lie for many years which led him into a life of self-loathing. Eventually, our friend tried to take his own life. But God was not ready for him. He is alive but not without much pain to him and his family. And there are always consequences of our choices. He may now be on dialysis for the remainder of his life.

I learned that another friend that I have always looked up to is not perfect. Imagine that?! Do you think the song, “Don’t look at me, look at Him” brings tremendous merit here?

I am always on my husband about his own flaws or one in particular. In hit me and hit me hard this week that it is not my place to worry about that any longer. Matt 7:5 slapped me so hard, I truly felt dizzy. For my husband has his own journey with Jesus and who am I to interfere? I thought what about my own weaknesses, my own problems that keep me apart from perfection?

Oh, flawlessness, that is right, we are not the perfection that God speaks of when He thought of Someone as the perfect Lamb that gave His life! Otherwise, what did we need Jesus for! And as in Galatians 2:21, God reminds us that Christ did not die in vain.

But I still wonder, so many people, Godly people are falling into the fleshly desires. Despair. Pain. Disease. Disappointment.

I have my own weaknesses that keep me on my knees, weak and praying. It keeps me forever giving grace to my friends and family as I am aware of my own limitations. The plank in my eyes help blind me to the pride I think I once carried(s) and helps me to reflect on an inner love that can only come from God. Spiritual blindness! Not an accident but part of God's plan.

It is almost as if to say, in some daily reminder, we are nothing apart from HIM.

Daily we fall into grace. Daily we are reminded that we cannot live without HIM.

And as the battles rages… and it will--Satan wants us to give up… He wants us to throw in the towel and feel helpless, crying out, “Why bother, dear brother!”

On the other side, God is standing in, not surprised, not anxious but calmly waiting… He already knows where this is going….

You and me, all of US--Into the arms of our precious Savior…

As we--Fall into Grace, His Grace…

And when we stand before our Lord, we will know… we will worship… we will praise… HIM

He will only see us through the love of His Son and the forgiveness of the CROSS.

9 little hearts from you...:

Denise said...

Bless you my friend for your pearls of wisdom, I love you.

Technonana said...

Connie, the devil knows he cannot take our souls, but he can hurt our witness, or so he thinks!! Sometimes when these things happen, they give us even more of a witness, because we can say to others... it's not me, it's HIM... I am but flesh and blood, just like you... if God can use me... He certianly can use you!!!
Everyday... I fall short of His Glory.... but it isn't about Me, PRAISE GOD IT'S ALL ABOUT HIM!!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

But for the grace of God...

I've been in some of these pits your talking about. I walk free today, but there are times...moments of secret thoughts that could quickly lead me down a wrong path.

I am learning to give God my thoughts and to ask him for his transforming work in my mind. I fall into his grace everyday and am reminded of just how much my sin cost him.

Thanks, Connie, for your tender heart and for the words that pour forth from the Well within.


Julie said...

You go girl!

I hear ya....

His grace covers everything!

It's so hard not to see the lives of those around us, especially those we live with.

I saw a skit once where the guy told us to keep our eyes on both men. He sent one man to the right and the other man to the right telling us keep your eyes on both men. Then he stopped and said, "can you do it?" NOPE. You can't focus on two things at once.

It's so hard to keep my eyes focused on the one important thing, JESUS, sometimes.

I hear ya!


Melli said...

AMEEEEEEEN! Oh goodness - it's gOOd to have you BACK! I mean BACK!!!

I had an interesting incident after WOF -- come see!

Susan said...


I've missed you too and am glad you're getting back on your feet. My Dad had a friend who tried to take his life and "failed"...as a result, he came to Jesus and really is out there witnessing today because of it. He wrote a book about it and his story is amazing.

I love how God makes beauty from our ashes and the ashes of others. You're right...he never leaves us and we can fall on His GRACE.

Love ya!!

:-) Susan

Lazy Daisy said...

Thanks for the reminder that we have been given so much grace that we should be grace givers in return. Stop by and help me celebrate 35 years of marriage. Congrats on grandchild number 2 we are expecting a grand son in September (also number 2 for us.)

Tracy said...

This post, though heart-wrenching is so necessary. So easy to forget that we too could fall into those same traps. It is so important that we stay on our faces before God.

I needed to read what you wrote about your husband today. Though I may not physically speak what I believe my husband's faults to be, I think about them, and they ultimately affect my level of respect for Him. That is such sin and it needs to stop NOW.

God is speaking loud and clear through your words today...straight to my heart. Thank you my friend...

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your friend. Yes we are all accountable to God, so we need to stay focused on our walk. The Word says in the last days many will fall. You have the answer to stay on the path alone one on one with Him:) Yes my friend welcome back:) Blessings:)