Thank you for your prayer's on this Father's day... the first without my dad... but Jesus has him. Wow....
I'm coming back soon... My puter was hit by lightening!! we have one on order and it should be finally here and set up this week or next, yes I lost everything... Silly me-- I didn't zip file back up any of my stuff.
I am going to catch up with you all..when we are up and running again. (My little niece is harassing me even)
I love you guys.

9 little hearts from you...:
Miss you!! Said a prayer for you today, this is my second with out my dad. Sorry about your computer, get back soon!!!
Been thinking of you all day, and saying prayers for you. I love you, and miss you. Sorry about your computer.
Oh, it's good to see you..... I am glad Papa met you on Father's Day.
Let me know by my blog when you "puter" is up and running and I will send you an email so you can have my email address....cause I don't want to lose touch!
I am so glad to hear it. I have missed you.
I have wondered where you went. Hope you get a new compute soon. These storms can do that. You must have got some rain. We really need it here in Savannah. We had a little Sunday but that was it..just a little.
I hope you were blessed this Father's day! I know they are hard! I spent some time in tears this Sunday, and my dads been gone 18 years!
It will be wonderful to have you back!
I am headed to the city tomorrow for my test...... I would appreciate your prayers....
Miss you, girl!! Hope you will be up and runnin' soon!!
Looking forward to your return. I've missed seeing you here. = )
Glad the Lord was near to your heart on your first Father's Day wtihout your Dad.
Hearts from You!