what are your thoughts?
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what are your thoughts?
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Scribed by
Connie Barris
1:23 PM
Labels: Satans lies
my mom is sick...
(send me an email if you want to be added to the prayer list or you may click into prayer room directly and ask for prayer: fishnparrots@comcast.net)
22 little hearts from you...:
It is really sad. She has a huge voice that is leading people straight to hell. How sad that she had been taught the truth--and because it did not feel good/right she walked away from God.
There is a web sight that will give you more info on this and the new age movement.
Vicki from Windows To My Soul, showed it to me and I have spent some time looking around.
Remember the Bible said that in the end times that there would be a great falling away--and that if God did not cut it short by coming for His people even the elect would be deceived. We must know what we know. We can not stand on any one else's beliefs.
I pray that Oprah comes back to the
truth. There is only one way to God
Thank you for posting this. I pray
women and men will do their research.
Sister, don't you worry! I'm not drinking the kool-aid, nor am I smoking what she is selling!
It's sad...I used to love Oprah...
But like The Preacher's Wife said on 2nd Cup of Coffee's blog...
"Can you spell: Wh*re of Babylon???"
At the very least, she is a modern day Jezebel, and I for one am sick of her leading others astray!
Okay, that was way harsh. My Mama has been praying for Madonna to get saved for years. I guess I need to be praying for this dear woman. After all, she was created by the same God (whether she chooses to recognize Him as such or not)that I was...and He loves her so much that he chose an OLD RUGGED CROSS in order to save her from her sins. She needs Him just as bad as I do...
it is very sad because I think she once has known the truth and if saved and I do believe in once saved always saved.......... that is grace!!! thanks
I think it's very VERY sad. And it hurts me deeply that someone who is SO prominent and SOOOO influential is taking advantage of her position in life to do this. BUT... in looking for a silver lining... I know that this is also VERRRRRRRY controversial, and therefore, the people who are watching and "listening" to Oprah, are most likely people who have been "searching" and think they have found a good thing. They bring it up in conversation -- and THAT opens the door for a Christian to step in and use scripture! OUR God is POWERFUL - and He can (and will) use Oprah toward His good! I don't LIKE what she's doing -- but I know God. He'll USE it! Just PRAY ladies! Just PRAY!
This is so very sad. We need to lift Oprah up in our prayers. She needs the Lord. I am not believing anything she saids. I love you my friend.
There are not words to express how deeply this hurts me. Once again, Jesus takes it on the chin, but he's not surprised by any of it.
It's so interesting that you should post this today. Last evening, I had several of my Bible study friends asking me what I thought about the book.
I told them that any book, philosopy, self-help retreat, etc. that wants to help me discover my life's purpose, but doesn't exclusively rely on the cross of Jesus Christ isn't worth my time.
I cannot let the devil have an inch. And this, my friends, exceeds an inch. It's a mile long load of nothing, filled with just enough mirrored references to the Bible to hook Christians. We'd better wake up to Satan's schemes. He masquerades as light, sometimes through very good people, but he is death to those who eliminate the cross in the process.
Indeed, the words of Timothy echo in my ears...
"For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
I will not judge the beliefs of Oprah or Eckhart Tolle. God will be the judge. Interesting also, is the way that Oprah mishandles the scripture about our God being a jealous God. She said she couldn't understand a God who was jealous of her. Quite frankly, I can't either. But our God isn't jealous of us...he's jealous for us.
Whew...now I'm in a lather, but thank you, sister, for letting me vent.
May we all be tendered toward compassion, but bathed in Truth of God's Word and Truth of Who God IS. I AM THAT I AM. Period. End of discussion. No other self-help books for me.
changed my blogger handle, but it's still me...elaine.
I have not listened to Oprah for years...... She has a huge influence and it is frightening that someone with this much influence has chosen to take this stand!! The Bible tells us for those who lead others astray it is better that they have a millstone tied around their necks... is it any wonder that she has friends like one of the presidential candidates? Pray and Pray hard my friends that God will be able to change her heart and if not to stop her influence on the world!!
Pro 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life.
We must keep or hearts and our minds with ALL diligence.....
I am amazed at the depth of deception that she has fell to and she is leading thousands into that darkness........ I fear that there are many many people that listen to her daily like she is a god.......... I have never listened to her, just do not have the time........ However it is something that I think the body of Christ has to conteract....... I think that the time is at hand for us to hit our knees and pray that the Lord heal our land........ It is truly the end of days. The signs are all around us.... God help us if we do not take heed...... I will pass this along to others.........
thanks for posting....... makes me want to stay up all night praying.......
I feel sad for Oprah having bought into this idea..this new age idea!! How awful!! She is so influential and that is the worst problem of all!! Hopefully someday she will wake up and see her sin!! Sandy
Thanks for posting this. I will not drink the Kool Aid!
I think that she "heard" the truth but didn't accept the truth so she started out on her own search for what she think sounds more like the truth.
How sad, so very sad...for Oprah and those who will listen to her.
I am so glad that greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world. I am glad to know that He is not taken by surprise and that He reigns supreme. He brings Kings to their knees.
I'm glad He's got me.
This is breaking my heart. I dream of speaking truth and love to her and her audience.
Big dream, even bigger God.
I would be afraid of this, but I know that God is moving! I know that I know that I know we need to KNOW the Word of God to dispute these false prophets! Thanks for the video! I have a good friend who loves Oprah and I told her about this today!
Just heartbreaking...
Especially when you know she KNOWS the truth...
Money, power, these brought many great of men down.
We must continue to cry out for her...
I don't think I can write it all again, but I left a comment on Tiffany Stuart's blog about this very issue- and others. She asked the pointed question about what breaks our hearts...this is one! I am so glad that you found and posted this. I hope you don't mind if I use it to reach others. I've been praying and unsettled about this for months now, but it needs to be brought to light. I stand strong with you all on this issue!
Thanks for sharing this. I have had more e-mails about her and this Marianne williamson I think thats her name, they twist all the scripture to fit their needs and if you do not know Gods word you can follow and fall. Study His Word and Pray!!
Love you
I saw this on another blog today and it simply BROKE MY HEART!! Oprah has done so many good things for the world...she is just seriously misguided right now. I have friends who are participating in this latest study. I'm praying for them and for my words of response to them.
Connie.. I just have to tell you.. my church is doing Max Lucado's 3:16 The Numbers of Hope and this past Sunday, Max talked about the very thing that Oprah is doing... get the book and read it for yourself... Pp.87-89. Oh it speaks volume on this subject of "all roads lead to heaven."
One of the many sad things about this whole thing is just think what she could do for the kingdom if she would just accept and speak the truth!? Instead, look at how much damage she's doing.
She must make Satan very happy.
I received this. I could always tell that she never seemed to have salvation right. She is just too open to too many things. This video definitely confirmed what I thought about her already. It's quite scary that she has such influence. I think a lot of women would follow her blindly without reading God's word.
Just wanted you to know our Pastor played this for our entire church on Sunday, all 4 services!
The word is getting out...
We need to keep praying!
Hearts from You!