I will be hosting over at the Internet Cafe on Sunday March 9th, 2008.....
Come on over and find out where Babies Come From!!!
Blessings my sweet friends....
Love you all,,,
PS... I have a prayer request..... I had an abnormal mammogram this week that I could use prayer for... I will go for add't test next week... what is the saying about, "when it rains, it pours?"
12 little hearts from you...:
You have my love and prayers sweetie.
You are always in my prayers:)
Love ya,
Oh Girl I am so glad to know that you will be at CWO. I love reading your post. Hope you are doing well my friend! Keep us informed on your test. God is with you! Have a nice day. God Bless~
Praying for you right now!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Enjoyed seeing yours. Fun to meet another nurse. And I understand what that might be doing to you mentally & emotionally right now in your mamm situation. Praying God's peace and good results. Let me know...
Connie... keep positive! You know abnormal does NOT mean BAD! I am definitely praying for ya! Let us know.
I'm so glad babies come from Heaven -- because that STORK picture is downright scary!
I have had an abnormal mammogram before. It was because of the shadow on the x-ray that couldn't be seen completely, it turned out to be nothing.
Another time I had one that was abnormal because of fibrous cysts that could not be seen.
God came to me in those moments and brought is peace. I am praying the same for you!
I'll be praying!
Thanks again for visiting my blog.
As I told you in the email - I've got you in my prayers.
Praying for you. In January, I felt a lump in my breast and scheduled a mammogram. The technician told me more often than not that it is not cancerous. For me it was fibrocystic. I'm praying for a positive report for you. I pray for God's peace to envelope you during the waiting time.
Blessings in Christ--
Hearts from You!