I am over at Laced with Grace Today November 4th....
Do you feel like you are living in the forever "Time-out" as when you were a child? Locked away by the prison bars of your mind? Tightly tucked away in the small fishbowl of life?
Come and check it out...
"Boy, are you gonna be in time-out!"

7 little hearts from you...:
hey connie, i came to read your sweet words and hopped on over to lacedwithgrace---had a hard time finding it cause the link didn't work---but i couldn't find nov. 4th---is it cause it's not the 4th yet?? LOL...i'm still trying to get this blogging thing down...i'll look for you tomorrow...love your posts...bev
I always enjoy your posts, love you.
I'll be over in a few.
I'm not sure I WANNA come over! I'm not in time-out at the moment... but I have a feelin' you're gonna PUT me there!
... walks verrrrrry slowly over to Laced With Grace.... kicking stones along the way... wondering what the heck I did this time...
Don't you just love Melli!!! She is so open and honest!! I love her!! and you too!! Blessings Grams
thank you for your sweet encouraging words to me connie...maybe we will have an opportunity to talk at the conference next august...i sure would love that...just love your heart for our precious God...i tried to find lacedwithgrace and now i can't get to it tonight and don't see the link, oh dear---computers and i are sometimes distant friends who can't communicate...i'll keep trying...
Thank you for directing me to lacedwithgrace. I loved Melli's post. May both of you be abundantly blessed.
Hearts from You!