What can I possibly say.....
Please forgive me.... all of you that have taken the time to honor me with a bloggers award... and I have yet to post it and honor it.. I"m sooooo sorry....
Excuses: my dog ate it.... I lost it..... I overslept....My son got peanut butter on it...
oh you say,,, it's on the computer...
really, you may have noticed my decline in posts... busssssssy... but still I truly honor and I am very touched by your thoughts...
so.. I'm working on getting these awards posted on the side and then keeping up in a more timely manner...so please don't think I have not honored and cherished your thoughts.....
You all are such a true blessing to me and have become a true friend... (so much I start talking about you and my husband goes, "huh?"

7 little hearts from you...:
Thanks for making me smile sweetie. I love you bunches.
Do I know about the busy thang!
It is amazing how behind you can get in blogdom with a few days of too many things to do.
I am learning to speed read. ;)
Ohhhhhhh girl! You are SO ready for a blogger babe function!
Enjoy your day and be at peace we acknowledge you because we believe in you not because we want you to see us :)
I really admire you for the good work that you do. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. God Bless You!
Well... actually you were OUT... but we WISHED you were IN! A blogger babe function is anytime a group of us get together! Oh... but maybe I should have called it a DYSFUNCTION! LOL! Hopefully NEXT year you'll be able to join us!
Well, I have another award for you dear one, come by my blog when you have time. I love you.
Hearts from You!