A Miracle baby... Go meet Ivey.... she received her eyes... and they are beyond beautiful...
And leave a message for her mom and dad to read to her.....
Living the Supernatural

A Miracle baby... Go meet Ivey.... she received her eyes... and they are beyond beautiful...
Scribed by
Connie Barris
3:53 AM
my mom is sick...
(send me an email if you want to be added to the prayer list or you may click into prayer room directly and ask for prayer: fishnparrots@comcast.net)
6 little hearts from you...:
Thanks for the link, how very precious.
Come visit me I have something for you scroll down for "you lift me up"
Oh Connie! What a beautiful baby girl!!! How excited her parents must be! God is so good!
just stopped by to say i love you, your writing, and your love for the Lord. Thank you for teaching me so much!!!
Wow. I just don't know what else to say.
Come by my blog, I have an award for you. I love you.
Hearts from You!