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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Poverty Triumphant

(2 Corinthians 6:10) "sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything."

Yesterday, I spent the day getting my affairs in order for my new job. Going through all the financial pieces, signing forms, listening to insurance options. The reality of "starting over" hit me. I'd be lying if I didn't say my heart skipped a few beats. I thought wow, after all the years I have invested and banked, I am going to have to start from scratch.

The thought of poverty came to mind.

As I finished up, I got into my jeep and started to pray. And God immediately (I mean like a bolt of lightening) brought an image to my mind. I thought about sitting next to my friend Al whom recently went to be with Jesus. He took nothing with him other than his life and his legacy. When I hear the stories his wife tells, God took care of them through the good and the bad.

I also thought about how the time Moses spent in the desert (a story that has become very real to me) and how God provided manna only for one day. No more, no less.

As Oswald Chambers says, "Never hold anything in reserve. Pour yourself out, giving the best that you have, and always be poor. Never be diplomatic and careful with the treasure God gives you. " . . . And yet possessing all things"— this is poverty triumphant " (2 Corin 6:10)

So as peace filled my soul, I knew once again my Papa was in control. This was His will for my life and I would need to keep my eyes on Him, as I took the step out of the boat and onto the water.

May you be poor in life (of things not of Him) and rich in His spirit…

In Him,

10 little hearts from you...:

Susan said...

Beautifully said, as usual, Connie! May God continue to be your Provider and Sustainer as you take these new steps.

Hugs to you!

:-) Susan

Sharon Bardwell said...

I changed jobs just over 10 months ago. I left a job that had 'full benefits' to a job that had 'no benefits'. I understood fully the 'no medical benefits' aspect but didn't think of the side effects of that...no life insurance, no short/long term disability, no 401K, very little paid vacation...wow. The increase in pay did NOT cover all that.

Yet true to form, thus far, our Loving Lord has provided all that I needed. I take it day by day with him. I'm confident that His peace and provision will go with you on your journey as well.

forgiven4this said...

Yes Connie...I got shivers from your post which only means one thing that the Holy Spirit is totally surrounding you.
I would consider myself in poverty, and to be honest I love it. My finances are barely enough to live on, but God enriches us with living simple. That doesn't mean that I do not desire things...but then am reminded. What on earth will I take with me to heaven...nothing, absolutely nothing. And I am okay with that, really I am. It is interesting how God works....he stated the poor in spirit will inherit the kingdom of God. So be blessed, rest in the fact that God will provide...I am a testimony to that. I have never had to truly worrie about how I was going to pay my bills (even though I have...) they always get paid.

Thanks for sharing,

forgiven4this said...

LOVED IT, I TRULY LOVED IT. Your an amazing gift to me, so thanks

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Oh I love that quote from Ozzie - i like to call him!! He is so wonderful!! Can't wait to meet him someday - Heaven, wow!!!

THe Ipod thingy is $7 and $4 for shipping, etc... Let me kow if that will do or i am open to bargaining!!

Have a great day!!
I take paypal, cash, check, etc...

Denise said...

Beautiful post my friend, Your Father loves you so much, and He wants only the best for you always.

charlestonyaya said...

Thanks so much for your sweet comments, and continuing to think of me and pray for us. My daughter is better right now - we have a dr. appt tomorrow afternoon. Please keep praying - our quest for a Christian counselor is ongoing. Vacation WAS wonderful, but mostly restful and peaceful. David and I, like you, feel like God has us at a point of change for Him - we are just waiting...waiting to see what His plans for us are. And who said the 50's weren't exciting!?!? You are in my prayers as you begin this new adventure with God!! love ya, Kathy

eph2810 said...

Oh.dear - every time I start over I have the same thoughts...'being' the 'new kid' doesn't go very well over for me - especially in my mid 40's. But you are right - we can't take anything with us anyway and God provides the rest :)

Blessings on your Wednesday.

Anonymous said...


You have such a beautiful way to bring home truth! What a lesson today!!! You are a treasure....


Patty said...

Oh Connie, I loved this post. I know I say that every single time but it's true. I know changes, new beginnings are a challenge and exciting all at the same time. God is using your tender heart in a new way and you have the opportunity to bring a smile to a dying soul and more importantly, I know they will get a glimpse of Jesus thru you!! What a HIGH calling, my friend!
Love You,