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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I AM Lesson 8

TWO for ONE Wednesday

Lisa over at The Preacher's wife has so blessed us in the study....

1. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to 'go back' to a place of shame or ridicule? How did that make you feel?

Oh my yes... it's been a journey.. indeed... I am a survivor.. of child abuse and sexual abuse. Of divorce. Of unfair, indignant rumors. The list goes on. Shame, that was my life. I did not know any other way. I felt like I lived on an island surrounded by seclusion. I was the only one on earth that ever felt the way I did. That the world's eyes were on me, mocking me. I was in the pits of hell. Deeper and deeper into depression, I spiraled until one day, I reached the buttom.

By God's wonderful plan, I had a wonderful mentor come into my life, little by little he pulled me out.. of the pits of hell, and over the wall of shame. He showed me the light. Now I know who I am in Christ. It has been a long journey but one that has been so worth it. 2 corinthians 1:3-5 Father of all comfort-- that I now may comfort others...today, I counsel others. Never did I ever dream I would.

2. Is there any circumstance in your life that still has you running for cover? Share if you feel comfortable.

I don't run anymore, as you say, I turn right around and grab "it" by the tail.

3. When is the last time you felt like an overcomer? every single day.

4. If you have not yet taken the serpent by the tail, are you willing to stop running, take hold and trust God to transform it into a tool for wonders? Every day... we are overcomers and every day we are called to grab the serpent by the tail... don't you think?!

5. I would like for you to write down this statement based on 1 John 2:14 somewhere you will see it often this week: "I am strong, the Word of God abides in me, and I have overcome the evil one." Memorize it. Say it over and over until you believe it. Will you do this?? Most of the time, there are no right or wrong answers, but on this one, I'm expecting a 'yes'!

YES...I love this chapter of John...

Blessings to you Lisa and thank you so much for listening to the word of God!!

17 little hearts from you...:

Denise said...

I love you my friend, you bless me daily.

forgiven4this said...

Amen sister....loved it like I always do.....I loved your amazing open heart in #1.... Blessings, blessings, blessings (((HUG))))

Laura said...

Hi Connie! (I'm always doing this to you, writing something your blog that doesn't pertain to the actual entry.) Head over to Jenn's place. If she doesn't get back to you, then I'll email you the deal. I want her to get the credit, though, since she's the one who taught me. ;)

TammieFay said...

Hallelujah, praise His name! This Mississippi Baptist has her hands in the air! You are such a blessing!

AK said...

I love how the Lord takes away our shame! I'm excited for you thanks for sharing!

Gretchen said...

The non-denominational Christian in Seattle has her hands in the air, too! :)

Connie, Christ's triumph through you and what you have overcome is humbling and He has already used this horrific stuff for good. And the way you keep blessing us all, He's not finished, yet. Blessings!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

thank you so much for your willingness to share your experiences! many need to know there is healing after what you've gone through...

blessings on you!


Nise' said...

I love how our shame can be turned around to bless others when we allow God to permeate those areas where we feel it! You have blessed me sista!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

no wonder you are a counselor giving away the Comfort you have been given by your awesome "Another Counselor" whom Jesus gave you...you go girl...
i think you are awesome!

i lost my childhood to sexual abuse and violence and drugs and alcohol---and I was silenced.
i lost my adulthood too and was silenced again but no more...
I have a face
I have a name
I have a voice
I have a story
I have a risen Savior

loved your post!

Susanne said...

I love it!! You are so right, EVERY DAY is another opportunity for VICTORY!! Bless you my dear Sister for your wonderfully honest answers to these questions. You have encouraged me!!

Miriam Pauline said...

Great post! Thank you for sharing.

Patty said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. I, too, suffer from sexual abuse as a child and my older sister does to. A 'close' friend of the family. I am so glad God delievered and healed you!! He has done the same for myself and my sister. BUT GOD....

Love You,

Cyndee@Riezzee's Place said...


You always speak to the heart of the matter in simple terms. Thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog. I enjoy hearing from you and reading how things are in your life. You are a wonderful encouragement to me.

I finally posted my answers - check it out!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Connie, thanks for being so vulnerable again. Your place here is a ministry. People who might never comment will read that you consider youreslf an overcomer on a daily basis, and my prayer is that that statement will become an irresistible sticking point for someone who wants to know more.

Mindy said...

I think yes - we are called EVERY day to grab the serpent by the tail. Thanks for your encouraging responses!

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting me
Im a bit behind in my blogging I hurt my foot badly and cant concentrate on things for too long

It sounds like WE are survivors. I thank the Lord everyday for what he has seen me through. I was also divorced from my exhubby years ago. Then I spent years and years on my own as a solomum of 2. Finally God has blessed me with a wonderful man and we have a wonderful toddler.
Last year my man and I were accused of terrible things by my daughter who is now living with my parents. Whom I have never been good enough for.
I like to call myself a recovering depressant. I am on antidepressants now and they keep me sane. As does God of course.

Im praying for you Connie and will back to visit you again
have an awesome weekend

Etta said...

You ARE an overcomer!! Thanks for sharing!!