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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Come, Follow Me

"..Come, Follow Me" (Luke 18:22)

When I was at my peak, my strongest point in my career as a nurse, God used me but not in an unrestrained totally abandoned passion that my heart knew it was capable of. I knew (or let's say I now know) I was not completely surrendered to my Abba. That little tug I felt on my heart, that kept me at a constant uneasiness, searching, looking, and kept me at arms length from my Father. I knew my Papa just wasn't through with me. I just could not figure out what it was. So I did what I thought I should. I tried harder.

Only after I became completely worn out, weak and at my lowest point, did I become totally abandoned to God. More out of default and exhaustion. For nothing of me was any longer useful to my Papa. For I had nothing left. But then, nothing that I had was ever mine to give, was it? For all He ever wanted was me, a vessel, completely open to flow freely of the Father's love and of the Father's will.

In my weakest point, I heard, "Come, follow Me." So as I leave the comforts of the all knowing, security, friends and longevity of my job of many years to walk into the arms of the Father as He calls, "Come..." To do the will of my Father.....

I leave you today with the sweet sounds of the Papa's voice----what will you hear? will you hear the Father's call on your own life?

Will you come to Him in those areas of your own life?

As the world watches you reproduce the echo of Christ's call? "Come, follow Me" Will you hear the echo's back?

And the peace, oh my, the peace is not of this world.

9 little hearts from you...:

Denise said...

Your blog brings sweet peace to me, thank you my friend.

forgiven4this said...

Amen sister Amen... loved this "Only after I became completely worn out, weak and at my lowest point, did I become totally abandoned to God." So true...when we are weak, worn out we have to two choices run to him...or run away. Loved it Connie, loved you heart behind it, so thanks so much for sharing this one......

Cindy Swanson said...

Connie, thanks for visiting my blog! Your's is wonderful...I need to come back on a regular basis.

Chocolate and Coffee said...

Your blog is wonderful! Hope to get to know you better.

Robin said...

Thank God for His voice who continues to call to us because He loves us so.

Deena Peterson said...

I wish I had learned that earlier in life...but I'm getting it now...and it is so much easier, yet harder, too...I tend to be so strong-willed:-)

Susan said...

Oh Connie! You are so right...we need to run to our Father when He calls..and it's often in our weakness that we hear His still small voice beckoning us.

Blessings to you!!

:-) Susan

Holly said...

Oh yes, I love this! It reminds me of a song we sang in choir at our Baptist church in Texas, where the words were ,"He said, come follow me, come follow me..." It was a beautiful arrangement and kind of flowed like water! Just like your blog and the water...
That is really all we have to do, isn't it?
Love ya!

Gretchen said...

THank you so much for the reminder that it's all about Him and all from Him to begin with. Connie, you always bless my socks off.
