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Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Promise

(Matthew 27:51) "And behold,the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split"

On my way into work this morning the sky was dark. An overcast sky predicting rain. Maybe the sky would predict my mood for the day. It has a way of doing that sometimes. But in one small corner of the earth was a bright light peeking through the dark clouds. And the rays of light reached down to the earth. I remember that one of our children use to believe that was God coming to pick up one of His own and escort them off to Heaven. I like to believe that even now.

As they have grown up, their beliefs have changed, as have probably all of ours.
A veil of truth has shattered how many times our beliefs? Some of those beliefs may have not been so good. Maybe those changes were good.

But what about the day when the men and women stood at the Cross and realized they had just crucified the Son of God? What about those belief's in our life. Those earth shattering life changing events? Where do you go from that moment on?

As I looked at the dark clouds this morning, I saw a small promise of light. A promise of the Son, peaking through the clouds.

A promise?

That is what I hold onto.

My Jesus.


Praying for Heather today... as she undergoes surgery...

2 little hearts from you...:

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Beautiful, as usual. I like the image your kids had ... I think I'd like to hold onto that, even though I'm "grown up."

Denise said...

Such a very beautiful post, bless you.