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Thursday, May 3, 2007

I AM Lesson 4

Two for one day......

1. I am going to present to you a little acrostic to begin our discussion today. What is your latest NLIP? (Not Like I Planned?)

I had gone through Christian counseling ministries and have become very involved. I started in 2001 and graduated in 2003. I am involved in the woman's ministry. It has changed my life so much that I wanted to get my husband involved.(you know that dream for couples or my dream for us as couples).. so the more I pushed... you got it... the more he pulled away.

My mentor told me to let him go....

and when I did...just this last year.....
He got involved but not in the way I had invisioned.. in a much more beautiful way.. it could only be of God...

2. How did you react to your NLIP? Are you still upset about it? Happy about it? Baffled by it? Explain.

I am still in awe because God continues to give us gifts in this ministry. Our marriage is growing and I'm just left speechless.

3. Have you ever attempted to step into an area of ministry and found your desire rejected? Did this cause you to question God and yourself? Perhaps distrust what you perceived to be your calling?

Absolutely... I chose to pick areas of ministry that "I" thought were for me...it was the whole work thing I had going on.. I picked them all... to the point of fatigue.. and then wondered why I was rejected... it's like you said,, God had the wrench tightening down on me..
So rejection prevailed... I moped around, kicked the dirt... had major pity parties....
then I found life... in Jesus... and now I listen to the calling of my Lord... my calling may be but a season... but I listen to Him... He leads me.

4. Do you harbor any bitterness towards any individual or situation which you believe waylaid your best laid plans?

no.. no and no... I put them in the forgiveness chair... I cannot walk forward in my life with God if I harbor unforgiveness....
I believe that if God wants me in a situation, I'll get there some how.....

5. Have you had a life experience or trial that left you with a shaken faith because it ended in an NLIP? Please share if you feel free.

My best friend was murdered.... her life was cut short. Her daughters life was changed. My life was / has not been the same.
and it has taken me years to walk through freedom... but I have learned forgiveness and love even through that...only through the grace of God... He is so good.

6. Based on Moses' response of faith to his own rejection, how will you re-evaluate your own experiences or look at future ones differently if a NLIP presents itself?

God ordained....

And thank you Lisa... this was an awesome study

9 little hearts from you...:

The Open Range Camping Family said...

Beautiful comments. I agree, I try "ministries" I think are for me. I did the Christian counseling at our church last year as was surprise that I didn't like it after I had told myself for years that I wanted to counsel.
I am so blessed by your answers.

Cyndee@Riezzee's Place said...

I appreciate your honesty - especially about your husband. It is hard to find a place that both of you fit, yet you want to be in ministry together. Still quite a quandry for me.

It is great to hear that you have let go and forgiven - sometimes, many times that is the hard part.

I am so glad you are a part of the study. See you next week!

Anonymous said...

It inspires me that you were able to let go and let God!
I have a hard time with that!
I'm so sorry about your friend. I can't even start to imagine her poor daugther's life.....
Thanks for your comments!
In HIM -

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Wow, Connie, these were honest and vulnerable comments. I'd like to do this study, too, when my computer is healed.

Denise said...

I pray that you will be blessed through this study.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

"I believe that if God wants me in a situation, I'll get there some how..."

Hi Connie!

I love that you said this...it is the concept I rest in each and everyday. God will accomplish what He wills and orchestrate every event that needs to happen in order to see His plan to completion..He just wants my 'yes'!

And I would love to come to Georgia and 'preach' to you! :) 2 of the events I am going to be speaking at this month are in Georgia...You give me a holler if you are ever looking for someone! :)

So blessed to know you!


Gretchen said...

Wow, being unequally yoked, I can somewhat relate to your husband's pulling back. I want Big to take hold of this present and unwrap it with me, but he won't. Praise God for His plans, though. I have no doubt that Big will know God--in God's time. My job is to be as godly as I can and to work out my own salvation. Easier said than done! ;)

Gretchen said...

Thank you for your encouragement re: my answers!

Nise' said...

How I wish we were all sitting together sharing, loving on each other and hugging, etc. I can so relate to picking areas thinking they are right up my alley.. I loved the thought that our calling may be just for a season. It has helped me with a relationship that has come to an end, it just may be that is the why answer! Thanks for sharing.