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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Strike Three

Somewhere in the fleeting seconds, he had to make a quick assessment of the situation. “Now,” he wonders. Does he swing at the ball? Or should he wait? (Psalm 46:10)

The game win is on his shoulders. The last play of the game.

He chooses not to wait and it is in the moments that follow, he knows. The swing. The miss. There was a reluctance in this challenge. I saw sorrow in his follow-through as he made what would be his final attempt.

The slight pause was his downfall. The lingering regret.

“Strike three.” The crowd goes crazy.

The sting. The pain as onlookers watch.

He walks slowly away from the base. He is conquered by the opposition.

He relives this play over and over in his head in the days that ensue. “What if I had …?”

What if?

I have asked the same question. "What if I had just…?" If I could just do this over- I have often thought.

But it is in these failures, I am forced to climb off my platform of pride.

I have heard it said that sports builds character, but I think it reveals my character more than it builds it.

Someone in the game must lose that others may win.( 1 Peter 2:21-25)

And that is just what Jesus did.

5 little hearts from you...:

Denise said...

Amen sis, love you.

Karin said...

Been there, done that! I'm convinced that the Lord allows these times of striking out in our own strength, so that He can extract more and more of the pride that keeps us from our total dependence on Him. Great post!

Technonana said...

So honest, so open, so thought provoking!! Thank you!!

Donetta said...

so true so true...my character falters and mercy still seems to find me.

Kaz said...

What if???
What if He didn't do what He did? We'd all be lost!
Im so Glad He Did What He Did!!!